To call to Andorra from other countries, you should dial 00 and then Andorra’s prefix (376) before the phone number.
For instance, to call the Police Department of Andorra from outside, you should dial 00376 872 000.
To call outside Andorra from the country, you should dial 00 and then the country’s prefix.
Here is a list of some of these prefixes:
Spain: 34
France 33
Portugal 351
Belgium 32.
UK 44.
National phone information: 111.
International phone information: 119.
Weather information phones: Catalan: (+376) 848 851 Spanish: (+376) 848 852 French: (+376) 848 853
Time Zone phone: 157.
Police department phone: (+376) 872 000 or 110 for emergencies.
Fire Department phone: 118 for emergencies
Nuestra Senyora de Meritxell Hospital: (+376) 871 000.
Medical Emergency phone (EMS): 116.
Ambulances: 118 for emergencies
Mountain rescue group emergency phone: 112.
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