Travelling by Car to Andorra

Information and tips to travel by car to Andorra. 

Travelling by Car to Andorra

Andorra boasts a proper network of road. Furthermore, the roads that communicate Andorra with Spain and France tend to be clean and well kept. It’s important to have snow chains when travelling in winter.

Here you can find a list of some cities and their distance to Andorra la Vella in kilometers:

Madrid 613 km.
Bilbau 601 km.
Valencia 496 km.
Zaragoza 300 km.
Girona 271 km.
Barcelona 205 km.
Tarragona 195 km.
Lleida 185 km.
Bordeaux 427 km. 
Toulouse 185 km.
Perpignan 162 km.
Foix 100 km.
Porto 1100km.
Coimbra 1150 km.
Lisboa 1234km.
Faro 1329 km.

You should know that international driving license is not required to drive in Andorra as long as you are a tourist.

Useful phones:

Information about traffic and roads in Andorra:

(+376) 848 884 (24h).


(+34) 935 674 000 (24h) / 902 400 012.


(+33) 561 027 575 (24h).

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